Having a good relationship with the crazy cat lady in your life is crucial. Trust me, you don’t want to end up on her bad side. Make sure to keep her happy by showering her with gifts! And remember, when it comes to the crazy cat lady, it’s always better to give than receive.
Cat butt tissue holder? What a brilliant idea! We have all seen regular boring tissue holders, but this time it’s the cat’s turn to hold the terrible burden of storing tissues in its rectal area. Lovely gift for someone who adores cats.
Cat brush that you hold in your mouth and use it by fake licking your cat with each stroke of the giant tongue brush sticking out of your mouth? Yes, that’s exactly how we imagine crazy cat ladies brush their pets.
The crazy cat lady action figure is the greatest toy ever invented. It’s the perfect combination of nostalgia and absurdity, bringing to life the beloved stereotype of the quirky cat lady in plastic form. Comes with six cats. Because of course it does.
It’s not easy to be a fashionable cat owner in this day and age when everything changes so fast. Regular boring cat hat is no longer enough. Now you have to get a bonnet for your pet to keep up with the times!
Choosing the right gravy boat is serious business. Sure you could go the traditional route, and select a regular boring gravy boat, but if you’re looking to just get downright weird, this puking cat gravy boat ought to do the trick.
What better way to wake up and smell the coffee, look down and see a cat behind to rest your mug on? Isn’t it an awesome idea? It is. Cat butt coasters must be on every crazy cat lady’s coffee table.
Picture this: a shower curtain featuring two cats that look like they’re posing for their own Titanic-themed movie poster. It would really tie the bathroom together!
Cat head egg mold is great for Sunday morning breakfast with the family. And by family we of course mean crazy cat lady and her five cats.
Exploding kittens card game is a highly-strategic, kitty-powered version of Russian roulette where players draw cards until someone draws an exploding kitten, at which point they explode, they are dead, and they are out of the game – unless that player has a defuse card.
Perpetually ahead of its time, Dancing With Cats presents scores of delightful and inspiring photos of people and cats engaging in their favorite dance routines as well as moving testimonies of the personal transformations brought about through this uniquely joyous form of human-animal connection.
Cleaning the kitchen? Working on your assignment? Going grocery shopping? Sorry, no can do. I can’t get up now. The cat is on my lap.
If you see someone with scratches all over their hands, don’t worry, they’re not in a fight club… they’re just a crazy cat lady. Their feline friends have claimed them as their own personal scratching post and they’re just showing off their love. It’s important to not get those scratches infected. That’s why crazy cat lady bandages is a perfect gift.
Zen meets cats (and kitty litter) in this calming zen garden kit that includes everything you need to reach ultimate enlightenment.
Cats have always been known for their quirks, but did you know some of them have aspirations to become mythical creatures? Yes, you heard that right, some cats dream of becoming unicorns. They believe that the only thing standing between them and their dream is a unicorn horn. That’s why they need an inflatable unicorn horn to complete their transformation.
Over 200 cat themed magnetic word tiles. Rearrange the words to write poems, messages to your roommates, or generative esoteric word art masterpieces whose meaning is lost even to you. Magnetic poetry is both a creative writing aid, and just a really fun and limitless toy. They’re not just fridge words, you can write an ode on your commode, an elegy on your doorknob, a haiku on your car hood, or a novelette on your omelette maker.
Cats are the true rulers of the world, for one simple reason: people are dicks. While humans bicker and fight over petty nonsense, cats sit back and enjoy the show. They have the kind of calm demeanor that can only come from knowing that they’re the superior species. People are always letting each other down, but cats never disappoint.
Being a lifetime member of the crazy cat lady club would be the ultimate badge of honor. Imagine a world where having more cats than friends is not only acceptable, but celebrated!
The scented candle specifically made for when the cat poops is the perfect gift for any crazy cat lady. It’s like saying, “I understand and accept the fact that you live with a tiny fur-covered room stinker, and I support you.”
Cats have a curious habit of trying to escape the house, just to return seconds later as if nothing happened. It’s as if they’re saying, “I’m just going to check if the grass is greener on the other side… nope, still the same color, I’ll be back.” This doormat will reduce the amount of such escapes.
Don’t let those fluffy fur coats and adorable meows fool you, folks. Deep down inside, every cat is just a ferocious lion waiting to be unleashed. They may seem like cute little house pets, but they’re secretly plotting to take over the world and and dreaming to become an apex predator to enslave us all. With this sling bag you can make you cat’s dream come true without risking your life.
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The post 20 Funny Gifts For The Crazy Cat Lady In Your Life first appeared on Sad and Useless Humor.