After a week (or two if you’re lucky) moving from leggings to trackies, and the occasional dressy moment, getting back into a routine of work can feel like a huge feat. Especially when you add in figuring out smart yet comfortable work looks too. Whilst we would all like to be someone that can plan out a weeks worth of outfits in advance, and ensure they’re ready to go on the morning they’re required, often times it feels like a mad rush whether you’re headed into the office, or simply to your kitchen table. As someone who’s often found themself staring blankly into a wardrobe whilst counting down the minutes until I miss my morning train, I’ve had to find an easy solution to all workwear woes. And that, my friends, is the humble dress.
In my opinion, dresses don’t get nearly enough credit. They’re pre-made outfits, requiring simply a shoe and coat, and you’re on your way. They come in a variety of styles, from cosy knits to sharp shirting styles, playful prints to simplistic monochromes. The versatility of dresses makes them the ideal work companion, and I can confirm will save you from tedious early morning outfit scrambles. Better still, the lack of restriction thanks to the skirt of a dress means no waistbands digging in, or uncomfortable zips when sitting through long meetings.
Good news, then, as the comfortable dresses—be they knitted, oversized or simply toasty—are everywhere this season and strike the perfect balance of being effortless to throw on but also smart. I’d also recommend a shirred dress, as that will allow you movement, but there are also some great shirt dresses that are stretchy, too. Keep scrolling to see 20 dresses that are perfect for wearing to work.
Next up, The Spring/Summer 2024 Fashion Trends That Really Matter
This post was originally published at an earlier time and has since been updated.