2022 Texts From My Cat Calendar Is Here!

2022 Texts From My Cat Calendar Is Here!

Have you ever wondered how your conversations would go if your cat grew opposite thumbs and learned to send text messages? Well… wonder no more. 2022 Texts From Mittens The Cat Calendar captures hilarious conversations between owner and his cat. These are our favorite moments:


Um, you're welcome.

Mittens, please stay off my laptop.

Poor starving cat.

Dammit, Mittens!

Let me in!

Muzzle the filthy beast!

Amish thugs.

Knock knock.

Knock knock.


Where are you?

Turn off the TV.

Mittens is bored.

You never loved me!!!

Mittens is a drama cat.

Mittens is a liar.

Drama queen.

If you feel like this is something you’d like to ready through the next year, you can get this calendar on Amazon.

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