When it comes to shoe choices, I’ve become pretty predictable in my preferences. From the black, block-heel boots I wear throughout winter, I transition into classic horesebit loafers when temperatures rise. Then, come summer and it’s slip-on slider sandals until it’s time to usher in my loafers once September comes around. So, you can imagine the horror when, this weekend, the first time it felt genuinely plausible to step outside without knee-high boots and cosy socks on, I remembered that, last autumn, I had to part with my beloved leather loafers. I’d had them for at least five years, and considering the amount of wear they get, they were looking more than a little worse for wear. I told myself, “I’ll treat myself to a fresh pair come spring”, only to forget about this promise until, well, I actually wanted to wear them. It’s now the point where boots just don’t seem as appropriate as they did last month, and with talk of a heatwave on the horizon, I need a shoe to get me through this in-between stage in the season.
So, I took a closer look at the recent shoe offerings fashionable people are wearing as they go about their business in London, and it didn’t take long to identify that there are four key shoe styles currently dominating the pavements of the capital. From the update on trainers I spot so often, it can’t be a coincidence, to the flats that will give your outfits instant polish, scroll on to see the top London shoe trends for 2023.
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