I think it’s safe to say that we no longer need to debate the relevance of skinny jeans in the fashion person’s wardrobe. While they might not be the It pair of the moment, the style has transcended trendiness and is simply a staple everyone should (and likely does already) own.
That said, when styling your skinnies, at times you might feel like you’re hitting a sartorial wall as far as how forward you can make your outfit feel—and it’s only natural. You may be used to styling them with whatever was popular at the time you bought them or are simply accustomed to pairing them with your favorite basics. However, today I’m here to both tell and show you how you can make your favourite skinny jeans feel brand-new for winter by combining them with some of the season’s biggest trends.
From outerwear to footwear, just keep scrolling to see the five ways to make your skinny jeans feel like the trendiest trousers on the block.
Next Up, Spring/Summer 2022 Trends: The Only 17 Looks You Need to Know About