7 arrested for alleged bomb-making and plotting terrorist attack in Denmark

7 arrested for alleged bomb-making and plotting terrorist attack in Denmark

Police in Denmark and Germany have arrested seven people for allegedly trying to manufacture explosives and plotting terrorist attacks, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) said in a statement on Thursday.

All seven have been charged with planning one or more terrorist attacks or attempting to participate in terrorism.

The men allegedly procured components to make bombs and other weapons, the statement said.

Police in Denmark’s Central and West Zealand region – home to the capital Copenhagen – detained six of the men in raids between February 6 and 8. The other suspect from the group was held in Germany.

The six arrested in Denmark are set to attend a pretrial court hearing on Thursday in the town of Holbæk.

“PET takes this type of case very seriously. It is our opinion that there are people who have the intention and capacity to commit terrorist attacks in Denmark,” a spokesperson said.

They added that the risk of terrorist attacks in Denmark is considered “serious” and that the arrests would not change the state’s current threat level.

Police and intelligence officials are scheduled to hold a press conference on Friday morning, they said.

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