So what’s your skin type- Oily Or Dry? If you said Oily, then check out our blog 12 Tips For Men To Get Rid Of Oily Skin Instantly But if you’re from the Dry Skin team and wish to bid your dry skin a nice good bye. Here we’ve got you some amazing home remedies that will help you fix dry skin…
Dry Skin can be irritating, uncomfortable and itchy. Whether your skin is naturally dry or has become dry due to environmental factors, you have to do something to get rid of it.Dry skin occurs when the topmost layer of the skin lacks the required amount of water (hydration).This layer then, starts to break down and develop a flaky texture and/or with visible fine lines or cracks.
So keeping dry skin moisturized is important.Dry Skin is not a severe issue but before it becomes a challenging one you need to treat it. And what’s better than using Home Remedies to Fix the Dry Skin?
Here are Natural DIY Home Remedies To Help You Fix The Dry Skin..
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can do wonders to your dry skin.It is a natural moisturizer and contains healthy fatty acids that replenish the skin’s lessened fatty acid reserve. It helps filling the gaps in the dry skin and makes the skin smooth.
To get rid of dry skin you should apply warm coconut oil all over your body before going to sleep and wash it off in the morning.
Or apply coconut oil right after you taking bath or shower.
Do this regularly for a smooth and soft skin.
Olive Oil
Another great natural oil to treat the dry skin is olive oil.This one works as a natural cleanser and moisturizer. Applying a thin layer of olive oil directly to your dry skin can be used as an intensive overnight treatment and can simply be rinsed off in your morning shower.
Oatmeal as a natural ingredient can help treat dry skin.Oatmeal is high in protein, which leaves a protective barrier on the skin, preventing water loss and maintaining moisture. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, so adding powdered oatmeal to your bath and soaking yourself in it for 15-20 minutes will definitely help you get rid of dry skin.
Honey is an ideal at home treatment to relieve dry skin. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals that moisturize, tighten and soften skin. So all you got to do is rub it all over your body especially, at dry places and leave it on for about 10 minutes.Repeat this at least once a day for smooth, healthy skin.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel is the go-to home remedy for dry skin care. Take some Aloe Vera Gel and apply to it your dry skin areas or hands and legs. And cover it with socks and gloves. Do this before going to bed and leave the gel on all night.
Another thing you can do is extract the aloe vera gel and apply it all over your skin. Let your skin soak it and wait for 15-20 minutes. If your skin does not soak, rinse it off with warm water. Do this twice a day for better results.
Avocado, other than being delicious is also an effective dry skin remedy. You can either apply it on your dry skin or use it as a face mask.Mix avocado along with honey, olive oil and yogurt to make a face pack. Now apply it on your face and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off. Do this regularly to have a smooth and dry free skin.
Yogurt or Milk
The Lactic Acid found in yogurt works best as a natural home remedy for dry skin. You can either apply fat plain yogurt on your hands and legs or make a face mask. Mix honey with yogurt and apply it on your face for about 10-15 minutes and rinse it off. It is one of the most effective DIY home remedy for dry skin.
Using milk to moisturize your skin is as good as drinking it. Dip a washcloth in a bowl of milk and apply it to your skin for five minutes. And then rinse it off.
So you see treating dry skin isn’t that difficult. And choosing a natural home remedy to get rid off dry skin is definitely the most effective ways to treat it. Also the cherry on the cake is that these items are readily available in your kitchen. All you have to do is follow a regular routine and take care of your skin. And see how these natural home remedies for dry skin will surely do wonders to your skin.
The post 7 Natural DIY Home Remedies To Fix Your Dry Skin appeared first on Best Fashion Blog For Men – TheUnstitchd.com.