A Michael Jordan slam dunk from above: Walter Iooss on his best photograph

A Michael Jordan slam dunk from above: Walter Iooss on his best photograph

‘We didn’t know which kit he’d show up wearing – so we painted one part of the parking lot blue and another red’

It all stemmed from a German sports drink. I’d done some advertising work for a brand called Isostar and they’d had this idea where you take a tennis player, put them on a red clay court and shoot them serving from above to capture the shadow. I thought, that is one hell of an idea, but I need the right vehicle to really do it justice.

Shortly afterwards Sports Illustrated called asking me to go and shoot Michael Jordan for them. I thought – well, there’s the vehicle! We’d never met but I knew he’d be perfect for it.

The trick with sports stars is to speak to them like a coach. They’re used to being told what to do. They need direction

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