Turkey shows off military action in Iraq (VIDEO)

Turkey shows off military action in Iraq (VIDEO)

Turkey released the first video of the military operation against Kurdistan Workers’ Party militants, which started on Sunday

The Turkish Defense Ministry released on Monday footage of its military action against Kurdish forces in northern Iraq. Ankara launched its latest campaign again the militants, who it considers terrorists, on Sunday evening.

The video shows Turkish fighter jets, attack helicopters, artillery, and ground forces in action. Most of the footage was filmed with night vision equipment.

The Turkish campaign, ‘Operation Claw-Lock’, is the latest cross-border action by Turkish forces targeting Kurdish militants in northern Iraq. Ankara considers the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the People’s Protection Units (YPG) terrorist organizations. The ongoing operation focused on the regions of Metina, Zap, and Avasin-Basyan, the Turkish military reported.

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