There are tips available for everything may it be food, sleep, daily routine, or fitness you’ll find tips regarding all of them, and just like these habits even styling is surrounded by tips for both Men and Women. There are styling tips because some things might look good on others but not you like for example if the other person is wearing a particular eye frame or following a particular outfit trend you might like it but that might not suit you the same way it did for that particular person. The same can happen with the other so what should you do here?
Well, you just need some tips for styling and some experimenting on yourself in front of your mirror. Still, I thought to cover up some basic styling tips for you. Scroll down and check them out
10 styling tips for young men to remember
Know your suitable style
You must know your suitable style and by that I mean you must be aware of what suits you the best because our appearance creates an image of ours in the viewer’s eyes and also when you dress in the style that suits you, you tend to feel more confident.
Experiment with colors and prints
Sometimes you are not sure about trying some new stuff that you like because you feel that might not look as good as you have imagined it can be even with colors you might feel skeptical about trying out a particular color or print. You don’t need to overthink do much. Experimenting with more colors and shades will give you answers about which color or print will go well on you and which will not
Explore footwears
Majority of men out there prefer wearing canvas shoes but why not try other options? Canvas is not a bad option but exploring is always good and when you start exploring new options you are exposed to wider options other than just canvas shoes.
Choose your outfit considering the setting
Imagine someone wearing workout outfits in the office. It would look so weird right? It is important to take the setting into consideration while choosing an outfit otherwise one wrong outfit and all eyes will be weirdly staring at you
Own a watch
Watches are timeless accessories. They make you feel confident. Also, choose a correct watch like a sports watch for working out and a utilitarian watch for workwear.
Own a well-fitted suit
Owning a suit is important as suits are universal outfits and go with every occasion. When you are choosing a suit for yourself your suit should be well fitted. Your coat should not be too long or your suit should not be too tight. A suit with perfect fitting will give you a sleek look.
Accessorize your outfit in the right proportion
Accessorizing your outfit enhances your outfit but over-accessorizing the outfit might be saturating and will tamper with your look.
Own a Tie
A tie is something that will make you feel responsible and more disciplined. Tie symbolizes honor responsibility and respect so every man must at least own one tie.
Balance between comfort and style
Styling every outfit has become important to us but styling should never be done at the stake of your comfort. We style because we want to look good and presentable but no matter how much ever you style yourself you won’t be happy with your look if you aren’t comfortable wearing it.
Carry your outfit with confidence
Do you know what elevates even the simplest outfit? That is your Confidence. Confidence play important role in Men’s outfit styling. Be confident in what you are wearing and that will appear on your face. You will be able to carry your look with confidence.
These are some basic styling tips that I have shared with you. Let us know if you have any suggestions for us. Share this article with your friends so they can get some clarity regarding styling. Also we have got you ways to look styled up in our other article so quickly check it out. Thanks for reading.