At this turning point in history, America and the world need the ‘free speech absolutist’ to finish his job
Last week Elon Musk conducted one of his famous Twitter polls, asking users if he should step down as the social network’s CEO. The results showed 57.5% were in favor, and 42.5% felt he should remain. Musk announced shortly thereafter that he would step down as CEO as soon as he finds “someone foolish enough to take the job.”
There are numerous potential reasons for why he decided to conduct that poll – some say it was a publicity stunt, which is a compelling argument, others believe it was done to weed out bot accounts, which is also reasonable. But whatever the intent, now is not the time for Musk to step down. Not just as CEO of Twitter – if Musk is a man of his word, he must remain in place as a visible freedom fighter on all fronts.
It certainly doesn’t elude the billionaire that only people who actively use Twitter in the first place had a say in this poll – and in all Twitter polls for that matter. He must also be aware of the many accounts that still have not been reinstated, even though they should not have been banned in the first place (like Josh Slocum’s popular Disaffected podcast – what’s up with that, Elon?) and he’s surely taken into account that many others are only going to return to Twitter if Trump returns, which he won’t. So with all this in mind, his polls are limited by default. Vox Populi, Vox Dei, as he often tweets, concerns a rather small demographic. Outside of the Twitterverse, where people lead lives in a place God created known as the Universe, we also want free speech and freedom of the press. With that in mind, I hope Elon Musk, the man, and not just the businessman, will be true to his word.
It’s understandable that a CEO has to be accountable to his shareholders and customer base. Still, when he purchased Twitter, Musk knew what he was delving into was much greater than buying a social media company. He didn’t buy it because he thought it was a great investment. At the time he explained, “I didn’t do it to make more money. I did it to try to help humanity, whom I love.” A noble sentiment, indeed. I hope he loves his fellow countrymen most of all – We the People. The people who make up the great country that has enriched him. The people who had their presidential election outcome influenced by corrupt government officials who still claim that we all live in a “democracy” which we most obviously do not.
America needs Elon Musk to remain defiant, act boldly, and to pursue truth. We are at a pivotal moment in history. Every single thing that happens right now is significant and sets a precedent for the future, and like Trump, Musk is pulling back more of the DC swamp curtain. He’s paying attention, and that alone has the potential to change the course of history. At a time when few Americans feel represented by our own government, which is made up of career politicians who are wildly out of touch with the people they are supposed to be working for – Musk is a voice. When the Senate rammed through the latest egregious spending bill that sends more American tax dollars overseas while we suffer at home, the Twitter CEO did, at least, call them out. I sincerely thank him for that, because these days, you have to be a billionaire to get anyone in Washington DC to listen to you.
Elon Musk has revealed – to anyone with eyes to see – the deep corruption in many arms of the American government and the tech giants they work with. Trump had warned us about this seven years ago. Exposing it is dangerous territory, of course, so if Musk is worried about his safety – or the safety of his children – he has good reason. Still, the cat’s already out of the bag. For anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention, the public now has receipts that the FBI and CIA worked against the American people by censoring and limiting what information we have access to. They wanted us to believe only one narrative – eerily similar to countries like China and North Korea.
We have all the evidence before us. But what can we do about it? What is anyone even willing to do about it?
Mr. Musk, if you are reading this – which is unlikely since RT is still banned on your platform – don’t stop at free speech. Stand up for the whole United States Constitution that is under attack. Fight for us. Use your money and power to help save your country. Finish the job.