“Show Only Very Ugly Pictures Of Your Pets” Funny Twitter Thread Goes Viral

“Show Only Very Ugly Pictures Of Your Pets” Funny Twitter Thread Goes Viral

Just like you and me, not every pet is camera-ready all the time. They’ve got bad angles, and they fall victim to poor lightning. But this Twitter thread is a safe space to share the most unattractive pics of our furry companions. Started by Gina Zwicky, it only permits “very ugly pictures of your pets”. As you scroll down below, you’ll realize that “very ugly” has levels of its own, which just makes it all the more hilarious.

the only content permitted in this thread is very ugly pictures of your pets

Recent fave. She yawns like the monster she is.

Hamster ninja.

This is singlehandedly the worst picture I have ever taken of my dog

Ugly cat photo.

That's my little champion.

Ugly dog photo.

Ugly dog photo.

Ugly cat photos.

Ugly cat photo.

It gets more upsetting the more you look at it.

Osiris' "I hate camping" pout. Picks a spot 20 meters away from us to hang out by himself.

Ugly cat photo.

Ugly cat photo.

Looking INSANE.

I've got tons of unflattering blackmail photos of my dogs.


Ugly cat photo.

Derpy dog photo.

Love both my dogs, but that one on the right can be a real goblin sometimes...

Ugly rat photo.

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