Hang in there man
Terms like “social distancing” and state-implemented orders like “Stay At Home” don’t seem all that drastic at face value. Of course, we all know that the reality and the impact of social distancing and Stay At Home is completely life-altering, and even though we’re now several weeks in, some of the changes are taking longer to adapt to than others. For example, daycares and schools all over the country are closed, and some parents are now learning that teaching is really, really not as easy as it looks.
Max Greenfield is one of these parents.
With regular life on hold, the New Girl star has been homeschooling his daughter Lilly, and, luckily for all of us, he’s been chronicling the entire journey on Instagram.
If this were a televised series (which it absolutely should be) with Max in the role of Stressed Teacher Dad and Lilly as herself, it’s tough to say if it would be a comedy or a psychological thriller about one adult man’s battle with the USA sixth grade curriculum. In either case, the show’s tagline would definitely be, “Listen, he’s doing his best.”
A story in two acts, Act I: Max Tries Helping Lilly With A Book Reading
Act II: Lilly Realizes Max Needs Help With The Book Too, Actually
Sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s really doing the schooling
“I need your shit like I need a hole in the head” YEEOWCH
But Max did take the time to explain the entire plot of Tiger King to Lilly so she’s definitely getting a quality education