Watch Buying Guide- 4 Tips To Buy A Watch Online!

Watch Buying Guide- 4 Tips To Buy A Watch Online!

Buying a watch online can be a difficult task especially, if you’re a newbie. There are certain things that you need to keep in mind before getting yourself a wristwatch. To help you make the right choice,TheUnstitchd brings you this amazing watch buying guide.

One needs to remember that today, a watch is more than just a jewelry. It is a tool that does more than just convey time. A watch acts as a personal style statement. It upgrades your style and definitely speaks a lot about you. So choosing the right watch for oneself can be a pretty daunting task. And this becomes even more difficult when you have a plethora of options to choose from.But we are here to save you and we’ve got some tips that will surely make your watch shopping an easy one.

So scroll down and start taking notes!

Here is the watch buying guide for you…    

  • Budget / Price

The very first thing you need to do is decide on a budget! Before you start scrolling and searching for a wristwatch online, fix a budget in your mind and stick to it.

The best part about buying a watch online is you will get to see the same product at different prices.There are various offers and discounts available so you can choose the best accordingly. But mind you, not all sellers are genuine sellers. So do not fall for their “great discount” or “good price”, because most of the time these prices are too good to be true.

Read the reviews and check the ratings and only then decide.To be honest,online shopping isn’t that bad, in fact it’s got way better now. But it’s always better to be cautious.So choose wisely. Do not end up paying more or opt for a cheap discounted watch.

  • Materials to consider while buying watch online

Like we said, today a watch does more than just tell time.It adds edge to your style. Also, these timepieces come in a variety of style,design, color and material. And talking about a watch band material, you again have so many options ranging from leather,plastic,wooden,fabric to some more.

Now if you’re wondering what material would be best for you, think about why you’d want a watch? If you’d want to have a bracelet or a strap? You also need to know about the crystal of the watch i.e the watch face that protects the interior. The crystal may vary depending on the price of the watch, a plastic one could be less expensive whereas a watch with a crystal glass could costs you more.

If you’re looking for something professional you can go for leather or steel. These two materials not only look classy but also sophisticated.

Are you an athlete? Or someone interested in sports? Then a rubber watch is the perfect choice for you. That is because they are durable, rugged and so cool.

Now on similar notes, think about the purpose of your watch and make a decision accordingly.

  • Watch Movement

When buying a new watch, you must consider the watch movement. This is the “heart of the watch” or say something that makes the watch “go”

Now because you are new to this concept (we are hoping so), let’s keep it simple and short! There are 3 main types of watch movements- Mechanical, Automatic and Quartz. But to make things easy we’ll limit it to two- mechanical and quartz.

Quartz- If you’re looking for a cost-effective, easy to maintain watch that will definitely show you the accurate time then a quartz watch is what you should be buying.

Mechanical- If you want to stay away from all that “battery changing hassle” then you must opt for a mechanical watch. These watches are made of mechanical parts like gears and springs. And what sets a mechanical watch apart from a quartz is the manual-winding feature.

(For more in depth and detailed information turn to google)

Now that you know the difference between the two, you can make a better choice we bet!

  • Brand

Open an online shopping website and you’ll be bombarded with a variety of BRANDS! From the top most popular brands to the local one’s you’ll find them all. Now if you have already decided upon a particular brand then search the particular brand’s watch and look out for the best price. But be cautious of the fraudulent sellers!

Also if you haven’t then do your bit of research, read the reviews, check the ratings and most importantly talk to someone who can guide you on choosing the best watch for you.

Brands are not just brands, they are a status symbol! They have a class, a feel, a sophisticated look that is unmatched. Different brands have different vibes! Also if you’re wearing a watch to upgrade your look then you must definitely opt for a quality watch.

Now you know what all to consider while buying a watch online.Hoping that our watch buying guide helps you and makes your online shopping experience a better one.

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