NBA players weren’t surprised by DC. We live with white supremacy every day

NBA players weren't surprised by DC. We live with white supremacy every day

Large parts of America were shocked at the invasion of the US Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. But Black athletes see such outrages all the time

The silence has been deafening on the right. From the right-wing evangelicals who had prayed for Donald Trump to be reelected, to the All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter crowds, to the Kaepernick haters and those who denigrated Black Lives Matter as violent thugs. In the wake of a mob of Trump supporters invading the US Capitol in an attempted coup on Wednesday, the same people who rushed to condemn peaceful protests against racism are either silent or ludicrously blame the scenes on antifa.

Related: Denial and conspiracies: how rightwing media reacted to Trump’s mob

Anyone who is still having trouble recognizing white privilege after what we saw this week is simply in denial

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