Do you know what kind of face shape you have? I think we all have our own ideas of what we think we look like in the mirror. But Narcissus himself probably couldn’t identify what kind of face shape he had. Because for years (all 35 of them) I’d convinced myself that I had a round face. This is partly due to having quite full cheeks, I’m sure, but when I spoke to George Northwood, owner of the eponymous salon and hairdresser to oh, just Alexa Chung, Rosie Hungtington-Whiteley and Meghan Markle, he said I had an long/oval-shaped face. Why does this matter? Well, for six months I hadn’t had a haircut and I wanted to know which haircut was the best for my face shape. I asked George to chat with me about how I should get it cut because he’s a legend in his industry.