Athletes have only scratched the surface of their power to bring change

Athletes have only scratched the surface of their power to bring change

Many have questioned how much concrete change can come from the recent sporting boycotts. But players can change America on many levels

We are all George Hill – exhausted, dejected and mad as hell, quite frankly. Whether a white ally who has committed to the fight for racial justice or a black American whose very existence, it seems, is an act of unlawful protest in this country or somewhere in between, you could identify with the searing frustration that seeped from the Milwaukee Bucks guard after yet another unarmed black man being gunned down by the boys in blue.

On Monday, Hill expressed his anger at the shooting of Jacob Blake, saying: “We shouldn’t have even came to this damn place, to be honest. [It] just took the focus off what the issues are.”

Related: Hope is a dying ember for black people in the US. Athletes have rekindled it

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