Author: LordOfDailytimes

NHL announces plans for return to play, 2020 draft lottery
NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman has outlined the league’s plan to return with a 24-team playoff…More

France BANS hydroxychloroquine as study says medicine Trump took makes death from Covid-19 more likely
France has clamped down on the much-talked about drug that many have taken against Covid-19,…More

Majority voice non-democratic? Amid new protests, MSM piece grills Chinese students for voting to reject pro-Hong Kong resolution
As violence yet again grips the streets of Hong Kong, a fresh clash between Chinese…More

My favourite game: Tom Watson tames Birkdale to win his fifth Open
In 1983 Tom Watson had his sights on his fifth Open in nine years and…More

Authorities plead with fans from ILLEGAL Strasbourg football match to get tested for coronavirus (VIDEO)
Officials are pleading with hundreds of attendees of an illegal football match held in Strasbourg…More

Couple Does a Baby Photoshoot With a Burrito (It’s Really Emotional)
MK Paulsen and Ella Gale have created a heart-warming photoshoot of what they call the…More

Covid-19 and HIV use same tactics to evade our immune systems – Chinese study
In rather worrying news, researchers in China are warning that similar characteristics and tactics used…More

Technological leaps, more risk or dawn of private space exploration? How SpaceX’s 1st manned mission could change things FOREVER
Elon Musk’s SpaceX will launch its first manned mission into orbit on Wednesday – a…More

Trust Monikh—the Zara T-Shirt, £100 Sandals and Throw-On Outfit I’m Loving
There are hundreds of thousands of influencers in the social ether, but only a handful…More