Vote for the best video submitted by the community!
We receive tons of submissions every day from the community of comedy creators across the world. We review as many as we can, and are very excited to start featuring some of our favorites as Best Of The Web Nominees for YOU, the audience (hi), to vote on.
The winner will be crowned as a Best Of The Web Audience Pick (we’re extremely creative) and will receive lifelong glory, validation, immortality, fame, etc. etc. etc. But we need your help to make it happen! Vote!
If you think you can do better yourself, or if you want to nominate someone else’s video to be included in a future roundup, you can submit videos here.
These roundups will only feature submissions; if we find other great stuff elsewhere, we’ll write about it elsewhere! We have a whole website, actually. Check it out if you have time!
Here are the Best Of The Web Volume 2 Nominees!
Donny And Clive
When two long-time best friends decide to rob a house, their relationship is stretched to the breaking point.
Directed by Chris and Lowe McKee”
Guy Stays Intoxicated For An Entire Month
It’s No Sobriety February for Duff Kagan #NSF
Created by Joey Thompson
Two identical clones compete to prove they are a woman’s real husband.
Written and Directed by: Neil Gershon
Starring: Jamie Amos, Andrew Maiorano and Andrew Maiorano
Editing/Effects: Bryan Stratt
Sound/Best Boy: Ryan Grassmeyer
Twitch Stream – GO, Genesis go (GGG)
Twitch Stream = Ep. 8(GGG)
GO Genesis, go
insta: @go.genesis.go
Genesis Oliver
Sports Buddy
Fill that empty seat on your couch—no social distancing required. Just you, your Sports Buddy®, and your favorite sport. Game on! Sports are coming back. But without cheering crowds or having friends over to your place. How sad is that? Everyone knows sports are about winning. And watching alone is for losers. But with Sports Buddy®, you’re never alone. Shelter in place, self-isolate… Sports Buddy® is right there with you, cheering on your favorite teams and trash talking the rest. He knows sports and likes a cold one same as you. Is Sports Buddy® as good as a human friend? No. He’s way better.
Created by The Northern Creative
Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Website
These Uncertain Times
Has every commercial been exactly the same since March or am I losing it?
Created by Mike Liscio / Very Serious Time
In this parody commercial, four customers (Nick Tracanna, Hannah Pai, Zachary Aaron Croft, Grace Hunziker) discuss what they learned using Ancestry.com.
Written by Grace Hunziker and Thomas Brown
Directed by Thomas Brown
Edited by Thomas Brown