Bloomberg Economists Recommend You To Stop Being Poor

Bloomberg Economists Recommend You To Stop Being Poor

$5200. That’s how much money we all need to “add to our budget” a year to make up for the inflation, according to Bloomberg economists. About $2,200 of that inflation tax will come from pricier food and energy, they added. And that, ladies and gentlemen, boils down to an extra $433 per month on the same goods and services as last year. So you better stop being poor immediately!

Americans should budget an extra $5,200 this year to cover rising prices, Bloomberg economists estimate.

As you can suspect, the headline went viral on social media and in no time, and sarcastic reactions flooded Twitter with comments like “Should that come out of my caviar budget, or should I downsize my yacht?” and ” Should I make the third home a rental property?”

... what does that even mean? Your income is your income, then budgeting is allocating that income. You can't just budget... Having more money? What?

Should that come out of my caviar budget, or should I downsize my yacht? Maybe cancel my third Monaco trip?

You may have to cut the pay of your second and third valets and one or two footmen.

Do tgey think "budget" means "conjure money with your magic wand"?

It means stop eating, stop doing anything, stop having anything

Cool I’ll just dip into my emergency rising prices account

So, they're admitting we should all get a check for this amount from the government?

This is 3 months of my disability payments... Maybe if I just go into a coma for a few months

Guess I better put some extra fertilizer on that money tree out back

Oh yeah totally lemme just go ask my boss for a 20% raise bc Bloomberg said so sure no problem

I'm just gonna do 40k to be sure. I mean, why tf not??

Easy peasy

So we should just pull the money out Of our asses

American businesses about to learn the phrase “you can’t bleed a stone.”

Oh sure no problem my dude i allready work 60+ hours a week whats another job to that No Prob

Perfect I’m gonna head down to the money store and buy some more cash real quick

no more avocado toasts and union dues for me then!

Yeah, I’ll just dip into my trust fund or forgo using the Bentley for awhile.

Let me just run on down to the old “additional $5,200” to pick up that additional $5,200 that I need.

After I read this my spine snapped while I tightened my belt. Would be nice if I had healthcare

Oh ok I’ll just stop eating then. No prob.

Oh yeah, let me just strap on my budgeting helmet and hop into my budgeting cannon and shoot off into budgetland where $5200 grows on trees

Meanwhile, another set of news broke that corporations reported record profits, making 2021 their best year since 1950…

The post Bloomberg Economists Recommend You To Stop Being Poor first appeared on Sad and Useless Humor.

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