Calls were renewed to declassify findings from the 1980s Deschenes Commission after an SS veteran was honored at the parliament
The Canadian government is reopening the contentious issue of the classified sections of a 1980s report regarding ex-Nazi fighters living in the country following a standing ovation given to one such veteran in parliament recently, according to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
“We have made sure that there are top public servants who are looking very carefully into the issue, including digging into the archives, and they’re going to make recommendations to the relevant ministers,” Trudeau told reporters on Wednesday.
He was referring to the contents of the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, headed by Justice Jules Deschenes. In 1985, this panel was responsible for investigating the presence of war criminals taking refuge in Canada, and it released its findings in a report the following year.
According to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Ottawa had taken in more than 2,000 former members of the 14th Waffen SS Division Galicia, mostly comprised of Ukrainian volunteers, after the war. The Nazi soldiers posed as refugees and anti-Soviet freedom fighters to get admittance, and British authorities facilitated their escape from Europe, according to declassified archives that were later revealed.
The Deschenes Commission, which looked into over 800 individuals, made a controversial decision that veterans of the Nazi unit “should not be indicted as a group.” This stands in contrast to the Nuremberg trials, which declared the entire SS organization criminal. Large portions of the commission’s final report and most of its findings were redacted.
Last month, a 98-year-old veteran of the Galicia Division named Yaroslav Hunka was invited to the Canadian Parliament to be honored as a “Canadian hero” who fought “for Ukrainian independence against the Russians” during World War II.
Following the revelation of Hunka’s Nazi affiliation, Anthony Rota, who was then the speaker of the House of Commons, took responsibility for extending the invitation and subsequently stepped down from his leadership position.
Jewish organizations, such as B’nai Brith Canada and the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, have renewed their demands for the full release of the Deschenes Commission’s findings in light of the scandal.
Quebec Liberal MP Anthony Housefather, who is Jewish, said that while the government didn’t want to “bring pain” to “Eastern European communities,” Canadians “have to recognize we have a horrible past with Nazi war criminals.”
READ MORE: Canada must face up to Nazi legacy – minister
“We opened our country to people after the war in a way that made it easier to come if you were a Nazi than if you were a Jew,” he said.
Quebec Conservative MP Gerard Deltell opposed the idea of releasing the report “at this time,” arguing that “history is history.” However, he acknowledged that his late father, a WWII veteran, would probably be disturbed by the Hunka incident.