Canada’s Trudeau contracts Covid

Canada’s Trudeau contracts Covid

The positive Covid test comes after prime minister’s family were moved to an “undisclosed location” amid protests against pandemic measures

Trudeau announced via Twitter on Monday that he has “tested positive for COVID-19” and will follow public health guidelines by working “remotely this week.”

In his message to Canadians about his infection, Trudeau urged citizens to “get vaccinated and get boosted” to protect themselves and others from the virus.

Trudeau was already isolating at home after he was apparently exposed to Covid, although initially he claimed that his “rapid test result was negative.” Canadian media reported that the isolation period began after one of Trudeau’s children tested positive for the virus.

The Canadian prime minister’s infection comes after he and his family were moved to an “undisclosed location” on Saturday amid security concerns after protestors gathered in the country’s capital to oppose Covid measures.

Thousands of truckers braved the cold weather to gather outside the parliament building in Ottawa, with some vehicles bearing messages such as “F**k Trudeau” and “Mandate freedom.”

The protests came after new Covid restrictions imposed on citizens required unvaccinated Canadian truck drivers to self-isolate for 14 days when they return to the country from the US. Drivers warned that the measure will have a significant impact on their industry.

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