Cops ‘toast’ each other with capsicum cans

Cops ‘toast’ each other with capsicum cans

The alleged celebration followed pepper-spraying an anti-vaxxers’ demonstration

Two policemen have been “counseled” by senior officers over video showing them ‘toasting’ each other with capsicum cans following an unauthorized anti-vaxxers’ protest in Canberra where pepper-spray was used.Footage, which was published on Facebook, shows two laughing cops clinking the spray cans while the crowd, allegedly of protesters, is singing in the background.

Both policemen were “counseled” by senior officers, a law enforcement spokesperson confirmed, adding that Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Police was otherwise content with its staff’s performance during the protests, which resulted in numerous arrests.

ACT Policing is generally happy with the overall response from officers in what was an escalating and violent situation yesterday afternoon,” a spokesperson said, as quoted by the Canberra Times.

On Thursday, the police force called on city residents to remain vigilant over the next few days as more protest action is expected. It also issued a warning for the protesters.

While ACT Policing recognises the rights of people to peacefully protest, when illegal actions take place the people responsible will be dealt with in accordance with the law,” it said.

READ MORE: Police use pepper spray against anti-vaxxers

According to the Canberra Times, the activists from the Millions March Against Mandatory Vaccination rally plan to stay in Canberra until at least February 8, when Parliament will resume its work.

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