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Designers tweaked the ankle taper so your straight jeans look straight.
Thanks to adjustments in the the back rise, pitch, and curvature, you can say bye-bye to that pesky waistband gap.
Prime back-pocket placement means you look good coming and going.
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// Annotations, set number based on image tag using the tag images function
// first variable is image location
// second variable is the content array position
// Setup the popups
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// How many dots to css
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It’s hard to believe that not so long ago, jeans were amongst the most casual trousers you could wear in polite society. But after 28 years (approximately) of four-way stretch — or no leg casings at all — the thought of rigid denim on the daily again might make you preemptively picture a cat clawing out of a shark costume.
No fear, though — as the wheel of fashion circles turns, so, too, can our attitudes and sartorial habits around hard pants. But if the issue is the trousers themselves and their perceived discomfort/difficult-to-get-right-ness, Old Navy‘s BODEQUALITY initiative has addressed many of our most pressing complaints by conducting body scans of 389 women to give their jeans a bang-on fit, reengineering every single pair to feel and look good — in sizes 0–30.
With on-point updates based on real customers’ feedback, these new and improved styles give just about everyone the freedom of choice to get back in the saddle. Keep scrolling to see some of the revamped cuts and to learn more about why these are the jeans you’ll actually be happy to wriggle into, again and again.
Give It To Me Straight

Ever do up your button fly with ease in the morning, then feel like there’s a boa constrictor hugging your midriff by the afternoon? News flash: Our bodies change throughout the day, so Old Navy’s designers factored that in with a little more give in the waist. In response to customer feedback, the brand also made sure their slimmer cuts stayed fitted down to the ankle, avoiding the “why do my straight jeans fit so wide” problem that can plague larger sizes.
Low Exposure

When’s the last time you could drop it this low 1) without creating a canyon between your derriere and the waistband, 2) without revealing more than you meant to, and 3) without requiring assistance to get upright again? Hover over the buttons on the image to read up on how Old Navy finally fixed that annoying gap for women with small waists and curvier bottoms (hallelujah).
Back It Up

We’d be lying if we said we didn’t have thoughts about where the pockets sit on our jeans, mostly because it can make or break the back view. Here, you can see that the design department has figured out prime placement, because you (and your bum) deserve it.

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?