It’s hard to remember a time when straight-leg jeans didn’t live in our wardrobes, but, alas, it did exist. Before their popularity spike, skinny and boyfriend jeans were the dominating styles, with few options in between. Bridging the gap, straight-leg jeans boast the streamlined silhouette skinny-jean devotees love while featuring a relaxed cut reminiscent of the looser boyfriend fit. This combination is precisely why fashion people love them—they’re not too tailored, nor are they too undone; they strike the perfect jean balance.
Although they’re easy to wear, coming up with new and exciting jeans outfits can be a struggle, especially if you’ve been living in little else but hoodies of late. In the nick of time, however, just as spring begins to catch up with us, a slew of our favourite social media dressers have been showcasing new and chic straight-leg-jean outfits to inspire us. They’re the ideal accompaniment to statement tops, sleek blazers and trending shoes alike. Keep scrolling to see seven incredible straight-leg-jean outfits, and then shop any pieces you might be lacking to re-create them.