Funny And Very Relatable Job Interview Memes

Funny And Very Relatable Job Interview Memes

Job interviews are like an endless rerun of a boring TV show you never wanted to watch in the first place. The same old cliché questions get recycled again and again, making the whole experience about as exciting as watching the grass grow. “Why do you want to work for this company?”, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” Can’t they come up with something a little more creative? It’s enough to make you want to scream, “I’m a human being, not a robot programmed to answer these inane questions!” But we have to put on a smile and pretend like we’re thrilled to be there, all the while wondering if we’ll ever escape this Groundhog Day of job interviews. Hopefully, these funny job interview memes will brighten your day and improve your mood while job hunting.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

Funny job interview meme.

The post Funny And Very Relatable Job Interview Memes first appeared on Sad and Useless Humor.

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