Lotan Fisher was a star at tables across the world. A new documentary explores how one of his rivals started an online detective case into his methods
Israel’s Lotan Fisher was once considered the greatest bridge player in the world, the card game’s very own Michael Jordan. Yet in 2015 he became the focus of a cheating scandal that resulted in bans imposed by numerous chess bodies. The story is the subject of a new documentary, Dirty Tricks, that gives a rare look into the exclusive world of elite-level competitive bridge.
“For me, it just sounded so quirky and strange to make a film about a bridge scandal,” the documentary’s director, Daniel Sivan, tells the Guardian over Zoom. “It’s not a cool sport, not a spectator sport.”
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Dirty Tricks is screening at the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, which started on 29 April and runs to 9 May.