Huge plume of black smoke towers over Tehran as major blaze breaks out at Iranian refinery (WATCH LIVE)

Huge plume of black smoke towers over Tehran as major blaze breaks out at Iranian refinery (WATCH LIVE)

A serious fire erupted at a refinery in the southern part of Tehran on Wednesday, with eyewitnesses sharing dramatic footage of huge plumes of black smoke billowing into the skies and red flames at the base of the blaze.

“The fire has started at the liquefied gas line of Tehran’s Tondguyan refinery,” a local official told Iranian state TV.

There have so far been no reports of fatalities or injuries, with firefighters and rescue teams deployed on site to contain the blaze, according to local reports.

A live broadcast from Tehran shows the fire still burning after darkness fell, with the blaze visible from kilometers away.

Earlier on Wednesday, the largest vessel in the Iranian Navy, the IRIS Kharg, sank in the Gulf of Oman after a fire raged on board for 20 hours.

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