Good old M&S. Like a lot of us, I’ve been shopping there for my basics for years. From lingerie to winter coats, I just know I can always rely on the brand for quality, affordability and style. My advice? Look out for the classics, as they tend to do them best. Whether it’s the perfect white T-shirt or pair of black trousers, you can’t really go wrong. Especially those in more premium materials like leather and cashmere, as you probably won’t find a better price for them (to match the quality) anywhere else on the high street.
All of these factors that make M&S great also mean it’s one of the best places to find expensive-looking pieces to help you build an elevated capsule wardrobe on a budget—something I think we’re all striving for right now. As proof, and to help you shop wisely as we head into winter, below I’ve pulled together four timeless cold-weather-ready outfits you can turn to again and again this season—entirely from M&S (although your friends might not believe you when you tell them that). Think smart layering options and versatile party looks to have on rotation.
You may already own versions of the various elements at home to substitute in, so in that case all you need to do is bookmark this article for outfit inspo. But if you’re looking to add some classic winter items to your collection, I’ve added shoppable links to everything below as well. If you move quickly you might even be able to take advantage of the seasonal sales M&S are having right now (currently 20% off boots and coats!).
Keep scrolling to see and shop these chic and affordable outfits…
Up Next: The £50 M&S Winter Boots That’ll Fool Everyone Into Thinking They’re Designer