Fifteen years after the release of Swag Surfin’, Fast Life Yungstaz are embracing the moment: ‘It’s hard not to move when it comes on’
It was no day at the beach when the Kansas City Chiefs played host to Miami Dolphins last month, the temperature at Arrowhead Stadium plunging to a frostbite-inducing -4F. The only thaw came late in the playoff game when the Fast Life Yungstaz (FLY) track Swag Surfin’ filled Arrowhead.
The rap song, a jock jam du jour that is likely to receive plenty of airplay on Super Bowl Sunday, starts off slow and brassy – but once the beat dropped, a rave kicked off that had the 71,492 in attendance swaying and lunging in unison. “I’m swaggin’, I’m surfin’,” goes the sports jingle, “I’m clean like dish detergent.”