Jared Allen: from NFL bone-cruncher to Olympic curling hopeful

Jared Allen: from NFL bone-cruncher to Olympic curling hopeful

The former Minnesota Viking terrorized opposing quarterbacks for more than a decade. Now he is pursuing a more peaceful pursuit, and excelling once again

In 2018, retired NFL defensive end Jared Allen took up curling in the hopes that he would one day be an Olympian in the sport.

“Yeah, right” was a perfectly reasonable reaction. Allen had dedicated most of his adult life to football – only 11 men have more NFL career sacks and he is a three-time finalist for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Most competitive curlers have been sliding around on ice since preschool, honing the skills and acumen necessary to win at their local clubs, let alone the Olympic trials. Allen, meanwhile, had never played the sport seriously and spent most of his time smashing into other very large men before retiring from football in 2016.

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