The author of Harry Potter argued that words “sex” and “gender” cannot be used interchangeably, wading into the public trans debate once again
Author JK Rowling, a controversial figure for her outspoken views on gender issues, has again attempted to explain her thoughts on the subject, insisting there is a clear difference between biology and personal identity.
Responding to an article published earlier this week entitled “Poll: Most Americans Agree With JK Rowling, There are Only Two Genders,” the writer took to Twitter on Wednesday to dispute the premise of the piece, arguing that she had never meant to say that there were only two genders, male and female, but was rather referring to the number of sexes.
“Small but important point: I’ve never said there are only two genders. There are innumerable gender identities,” Rowling said, adding, however, “The question at the heart of this debate is whether sex or gender identity should form the basis of decisions on safeguarding, provision of services, sporting categories and other areas where women and girls currently have legal rights and protections.”
The story in question was published at the conservative-leaning site CNSNews, and cited a recent Rasmussen poll which shows that some 75% of Americans surveyed believe “there are only two genders.” But Rowling suggested the piece made a similar error that many of her critics do, arguing that “Using the words ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ interchangeably obscures the central issue of this debate.”
The author also directed readers to a June 2020 essay of her own, which describes her “reasons for speaking out on sex and gender issues” and elaborates on why she believes the two concepts must be kept distinct in the legal realm, among other things.
The lengthy 3,600-word article did much to make Rowling a hot-button figure among many trans rights activists, and came in response to backlash following a much-slammed post in December 2019 in support of a woman who lost her job over supposedly “transphobic” tweets.
At the time the essay was published, Rowling noted that she had received “accusations and threats from trans activists” online, which have apparently carried on into the present day more than a year later. Last month, she said her personal address was posted on Twitter without her consent by “three activist actors,” who took and shared photos of her Scotland home.
“Perhaps – and I’m just throwing this out there – the best way to prove your movement isn’t a threat to women, is to stop stalking, harassing and threatening us,” Rowling said after the incident.