Have either of these guys ever held office? Nope, but neither has the current president… so I guess they’re qualified for the job!
Being president is a HUGE job for one person – and that’s why Johnno and Michael are running together to be your next president!
Is it legal for them to run together? lol, nope.
Did anyone ask (or want) them to run for office? Haha, absolutely not.
Is that going to stop them from pursuing the highest office? OF COURSE NOT.

- Johnno: Johnno Wilson @johnnowilson
- Michael: Michael Strassner @strasshola
- Karen Maryurama @kkmaruyama
- Maddy Coglan: Maddy @Maddyc17
- Jon Ebeling: Strange Man @jonebeling
- Chase Winton @chasewin
- Brett Maline: @breezy_f_Baby
- Kirstin Leigh @kiirstinleigh
- Lory Tatoulian @lorytatoulian
In this series, Johnno and Michael try things. The two aren’t always successful and (often) hilariously fail, but hey – at least they’re having fun!
Watch every episode of Johnno and Michael Try: