The wife of the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Yelena Zelenskaya, has been transferred to a hospital in Kiev after testing positive for coronavirus last Friday.
She has been isolated with bilateral pneumonia and is reported to be in a “stable condition of intermediate severity,” according to a statement from the president’s office.
President Zelensky, along with the couple’s two children as well as members of staff, has tested negative for the virus.
The Ukrainian president has been working under “partial quarantine” since his wife tested Covid-positive. According to the presidential administration, Zelensky is undergoing tests on a daily basis and limits his working contacts to a minimum.
Last week, President Zelensky was ridiculed by social media for his stated intention to deliberately contract Covid-19.
“I want to pass that stage so as to make it easier for the people. Let’s isolate myself and I’ll go through it well enough. So the people would see that it’s terrible, you can fall ill, you are unwell. And I’m gonna go through it myself, to demonstrate,” he told the Ukrainskaya Pravda daily on June 9.
In Ukraine as of Tuesday, 32.476 cases of Covid-19 have been reported with 912 resulting fatalities confirmed, according to the country’s Ministry of Health.
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