Least popular world leader revealed

Least popular world leader revealed

A survey shows the British PM’s support is waning

A poll by Morning Consult, a US-based data intelligence firm, has revealed that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is currently the least popular world leader. 

The results of the survey, which were published on Thursday, ranked Johnson last in a list of 13. His net approval rating now stands at -43, with only 26% of people supporting the embattled PM.

Among other leaders at the bottom of the table were French President Emmanuel Macron, on -25, and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, on -19. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was ranked as the most popular by those polled, gaining a net approval rating of 50. 

READ MORE: Schools defy Johnson’s Covid relaxations

Morning Consult’s average sample size is around 45,000 in the US, while the sample size ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 in other countries.

Johnson’s approval rating peaked during the first lockdown in 2020, but has dipped considerably in recent weeks, following the ‘Partygate’ scandal.

He is accused of breaking the Covid-contagion restrictions imposed by the government and is facing calls to resign.

He has apologized for his actions and called on the public and his peers to await the findings of an internal enquiry into whether he actually broke the rules.

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