The Oregon father who added “Let’s go Brandon” at the end of a live-streamed Christmas Eve phone conversation with Joe Biden said he is now being “attacked” for “utilizing freedom of speech.” He claims it was meant as a joke.
While noting that he “stood 100% behind what I did and what I said,” Jared Schmeck, a 35-year-old former police officer, said he has been receiving “vague but threatening” phone calls after video clips of the conversation were widely reported and shared.
“At the end of the day, I have nothing against Mr. Biden,” Schmeck told The Oregonian newspaper on Saturday. The father of four said he was just voicing his “frustrations” and meant “no disrespect” toward Biden, who he termed a “cordial guy” that “can be doing a better job.”
The phone chat occurred on Friday during the White House’s annual phone-in with the North American Aerospace Defense Command’s (NORAD) Santa tracker. It drew wider media attention after Biden responded to the mocking dig by saying “Let’s go, Brandon, I agree.”
The phrase – a euphemism for the chant ‘F**k Joe Biden’ – has become a popular form of protest and opposition for Republicans and conservative Biden critics in recent months. Besides being used on protest signs, the phrase has also found its way into some Republican congressional speeches.
“I understand there is a vulgar meaning to ‘Let’s go, Brandon,’ but I’m not that simple-minded, no matter how I feel about him,” said Schmeck, adding that he is being “attacked for utilizing my freedom of speech.”
Schmeck, who described himself to the paper as a “free-thinking American and follower of Jesus Christ,” said his family were following their tradition of calling in to the NORAD Santa Tracker and did not know the call would be livestreamed.
After the call ended, Schmeck’s wife posted an Instagram message about the interaction using two crying emojis, according to The Oregonian. The paper reported that Schmeck had also posted a video of the conversation on his YouTube channel. It has since been viewed more than 150,000 times.
Although several commenters applauded the “troll” job, Biden supporters criticized Schmeck for showing a lack of “compassion” during the Christmas season.