Members Of Online Group Create The Stupidest Animal Hybrids They Can Think Of

Members Of Online Group Create The Stupidest Animal Hybrids They Can Think Of

It’s not like there aren’t enough animal species on Earth already… but are there really? Well, a subreddit called Hybrid Animals think there could be more. The online community has more than 120,000 members who are using Photoshop to create unique animal hybrids by mixing two already existing animal species together. The results are surprising and pretty hilarious.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

Animal hybrid.

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