Theatre503, London
Pravin Wilkins’ commendable debut about the NFL player’s public protest is hampered by a lack of pace
Colin Kaepernick’s decision to start taking the knee during the national anthem playout at NFL games in 2016 shook the world of American football.
The birth of his activism gives the backdrop to Pravin Wilkins’ Theatre503 international playwriting award-winning play. News of Kaepernick’s protest ripples through the locker room and on to the field. Still, Chicano star running back Luis Moreno (Sebastián Capitán Viveros) is more bothered by his growing fame and fortune than engaging with a “wokeness fashion statement”. That is until the popularity of Donald Trump’s electoral campaign results in his mother’s taco shop being graffitied with the slur “Build the wall”, when he, too, feels compelled to make a public revolt in support of his community.
Moreno is at Theatre503, London, until 26 March