NBA finals Game 2: Dallas Mavericks v Boston Celtics – live

NBA finals Game 2: Dallas Mavericks v Boston Celtics – live

  • Email Beau with your thoughts on tonight’s game
  • Latest score and news from 8pm ET tip-off at TD Garden

Welcome to Game 2 of the NBA Finals. Or, as they like to call it in the sports punditocracy, another game in which Jayson Tatum must score 87 points on 80% shooting while getting 20 rebounds and 25 assists to lead the Celtics to a 187-84 win, or else his legacy is shot to pieces.

Seriously – we haven’t seen anyone put under this much pressure to win a championship since Charles Barkley roamed the NBA’s courts. Seems that he turned out OK, but we didn’t yet have the media machine that we have today.

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