Let’s be honest, when it comes to buying designer handbags, we’re always looking for the next It style. Whether you’re loyal to the quiet-luxury bags that combine subtlety and quality craftsmanship without the need for prominent logos, or you prefer statement bags that are bright, bold and colourful, handbags can instantly update and change a look, so it pays to know the names to look out for. And, as someone who spends a significant amount of time scrolling through new-in options, I see a lot of lust-worthy bags on my hunt, but there is one bag brand in particular that has been quietly garnering attention behind the scenes, and it’s a mid-priced all-rounder that everyone will love.
London-based brand DeMellier combines Spanish and French heritage with artisan Italian craftsmanship and British sensibility, and the results? A pared-back and polished premium brand that makes the kind of bags and accessories you’ll want to wear for years to come. And the best part is, all of the pieces are ethically and sustainability made, so you can trust that a DeMellier bag not only looks good, but does good, too. (And judging by the amount of influencers and editors with one of their bags on their arm lately, it’s only growing in popularity).
There’s just about every bag style on the site, from chic crossbodies to supersized totes, and for those who love The Row, Proenza Schouler or Victoria Beckham bags (but not their price tag), DeMellier ticks all of the right boxes for quality and craftsmanship, but with an affordable luxury twist. So, if you’re in the market for a new handbag that will elevate everything in your wardrobe (and with impressive cost per wear), DeMellier should be on your list. We gathered around and discussed our favourite pieces to bring you an edit of the very best, so seep scrolling to see and shop the bags we’re convinced are fashion’s best kept secret. We won’t tell if you don’t. Oh, and for Black Friday 2023, the brand has just unveiled a 20%-off code which we can now share with you. Simply enter the promo code BF20 at the checkout to scoop your DeMellier bag for less.
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