Poland’s Supreme Court, along with a number of state offices, were evacuated on May 11 after a bomb threat was sent via email, warning that an explosive had been placed in the building ahead of a court hearing.
The bomb threat was confirmed by the Supreme Audit Office’s press office on Twitter, which stated that the First President of the Supreme Court ordered the evacuation of the court building as a precaution following the threat.
The court didn’t say when the building would be reopened but suggested that the security checks would continue until 12:30pm local time (11:30pm GMT) at the latest, to ensure that any threat had been neutralized.
The court’s Twitter account shared a screenshot of the bomb threat, which came from an individual claiming to be called ‘Kamil Razzputin’ at around 8:30am local time (7:30am GMT).
The incident caused a court hearing on a long-running Swiss Franc loan saga to be postponed for the second time, as the Civil Chamber was unable to meet as planned at 10am local time (11am GMT) on Tuesday.
The tribunal was expected to answer six questions put forward by the Supreme Court President seeking to provide clarity around the legal status of $31 billion of mortgages held by about 430,000 Polish households. The court’s response is set to lay out how lenders can approach the disputed loans and speed up cases in the lower courts between consumers and lenders.
Beyond the statement on the Supreme Court’s social media account, the judiciary and police officials have not provided a comment or suggested who could be behind the threat.
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