Quarantine Check In: What Are You Watching?


FOD reporter Tamara Yajia asks people “What are you watching while social distancing?”

Man-on-the-street interviews typically take place (as the name implies) on the street.

BUT – due to the pandemic (and our desire to follow proper social distancing protocols) FOD reporter Tamara Yajia decided to hit the digital streets of the internet and ask our viewers what shows are keeping them sane during this quarantine.

Through this interview process, we learned something odd yet (weirdly) heartwarming – even though we are all purposely staying apart, there is one show keeping us together: The Nanny.

That’s right – everyone we interviewed is vigilantly watching The Nanny. There is something about Fran’s unshakeable drive, no-nonsense (yet hysterical) honesty, and unforgettable cackle laugh that is helping us survive this difficult time. Also, Fran and Mr. Sheffield’s will-they-won’t-they comical romance is a simple (yet greatly appreciated) form of escapism.

Writers: Ben Rosen and Tam Yajia

Producer: Darren Miller

Editor: Paul Smith


Tam Yajia

Eliza Hooper

Quinn Boyes

Whitney Hodack

Kristen Tallon

Ben Rosen

Sam Levin

Kat Curtis

Darren Miller

Carly Reeve

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