Resistance to vaccines, lack of collective response to pandemic shows liberalism ‘going totally wrong’ – Slavoj Zizek to RT

Resistance to vaccines, lack of collective response to pandemic shows liberalism ‘going totally wrong’ – Slavoj Zizek to RT

The growing inability to take collective action on pressing issues such as climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic is a sign that the ideology of liberalism has gone “totally wrong,” cultural philosopher Slavoj Zizek told RT.

“We simply cannot – especially in the so-called developed West – unite even on basic values that would allow the proper functioning of democracy itself,” Zizek told RT’s Afshin Rattansi on his show Going Underground.

“Yes – debate! But when a society comes to a conclusion, we have to be together and do it. It’s more and more impossible to do it today,” Zizek said.

The philosopher argued that the world is living through more disintegration and moving toward greater “unreadiness to collective action,” which is badly needed to tackle major issues like the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change.

Watch the full interview here:

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