Ryder Cup diary: MacIntyre talks shinty while Hatton turns the air blue

Ryder Cup diary: MacIntyre talks shinty while Hatton turns the air blue

Scottish left-hander loves to sing in the shower and Shane Lowry finds out to his cost how good Ludvig Åberg is

The organisers may have laid on a translation service for the Italian journalists here, but sadly no one thought to provide one for the rest of us during Robert MacIntyre’s press conference. The left-hander, from Oban, baffled the press with a series of references to his enthusiasm for teuchter music, which he likes to sing in the shower, and shinty, which he insists taught him everything he knows about team sport. His father is a coach and MacIntyre, 27, says there are plenty of parallels. “Shinty is such a man-on-man sport, if there’s a breakaway, obviously you’ve got to cover him, but the majority of the time it’s one v one, so you stop your man and it helps the team,” he explained. We nodded as if we knew what he was talking about, while we Googled the rules on our phones.

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