The streets of Afghanistan are going to become much quieter. The Taliban has banned the playing of music in cars, in yet another prohibition introduced by the group since it took power in the country in August.
Afghan drivers were given written recommendations not to play music in their cars and only take women as passengers if they’re wearing a hijab.
The Taliban’s Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, which is in charge of implementing Islamic law in the country, confirmed the new restrictions to a local Kabul news outlet on Saturday.
The broadcaster also posted a photo of the notice given to drivers on Twitter.
The Taliban has introduced numerous curbs on daily life since it swept through the country in a matter of weeks and took Kabul five months ago, capitalizing on the withdrawal of US forces after their two-decade presence in Afghanistan.
In late November, the group announced that women shouldn’t star in TV dramas anymore, while also requiring female journalists and presenters to wear headscarves while on screen.
One move that stands out is a decree earlier this month that outlawed forced marriage in Afghanistan, saying that women shouldn’t be viewed as ‘property’ and can’t be taken as a wife without the woman’s consent.
However, the international community still has concerns about how women’s rights for work and education are going to be maintained under the Taliban.