You probably remember illustrator Tommy Siegel from Part 1 of his single-panel comics, but he also draws funny and clever cartoons featuring candy hearts that resonate very well with people because they show our honest feelings which we might be scared to openly share with others. A lot of us would probably agree that we’ve had some of these thoughts running through our minds at least once or twice in our lives. He even has published a book Candy Hearts which you can order on Amazon. Scroll down to see some of our favorites!
If you enjoyed this post, don’t forget to check out Part 1 of Tommy’s cartoons and get a book Candy Hearts on Amazon! Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases.
The post The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Tommy Siegel (Part 2) first appeared on Sad and Useless Humor.