Saturday’s fight between Tyson Fury and former UFC champion Francis Ngannou is the latest bizarre bout
Promoted as “The War of the Worlds”, Muhammad Ali taking on Japan’s biggest pro-wrestling star Antonio Inoki was a contest that helped inspire modern mixed martial arts and ended with the world heavyweight champion in hospital. Unfortunately, the in-ring action was a total flop. Originally planned as a staged contest, Ali reportedly got cold feet beforehand about engaging in a “fixed” fight and a baffling set of crossover rules were hastily cobbled together. Ali fought in boxing gloves, Inoki did not but was prohibited from grappling, throwing or kicking, unless he had one knee on the canvas. Wisely, Inoki chose to lie down, away from Ali’s fists and land a series of leg kicks while the boxer tried to goad him into standing up. This lasted 15 interminable rounds. By the end Ali had blood clots in his swollen right leg, the bout was declared a draw and the crowd in Tokyo pelted the ring with rubbish while chanting “money back!” There really was no winner here.