America’s richest league wants us to believe it will fight the racism endemic in US society. It wasn’t so keen when Colin Kaepernick was kneeling
On one hand we have the president of the United States urging governors to “dominate” those protesting against the heartless, brutal killing of George Floyd, while saying absolutely nothing about holding to account officers such as Daniel Pantaleo (the killing of Eric Garner); Betty Jo Shelby (the killing of Terence Crutcher); Darren Wilson (the killing of Mike Brown); Blane Salamoni (the killing of Alton Sterling); and Jeronimo Yanez (Philando Castile).
On the other hand, we have seen an abundance of organizations – from McDonald’s to Netflix to the NBA – issuing statements about the terrorism that runs rampant through police departments across America in the wake of Floyd’s death, while proclaiming that black lives do in fact matter.
Related: George Floyd’s killing matters too much for corporate sport’s on-brand insincerity | Jonathan Liew