These pictures are not photoshopped. Instead of working out and lying about not taking steroids like everyone else, these guys decided to skip that and inject their bodies with Synthol instead. What is Synthol? It’s a mixture of oils injected into muscles to increase the size or change the shape. The enlargement effects are immediate. It helps to to mimic the appearance of developed muscle where it may otherwise be disproportionate or lacking. While some bodybuilders use it in moderation, others are clearly overdoing which is incredibly dangerous. The side effects of synthol are manifold and they can also cause a damage of nerves, myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, infectious complications etc. On the other hand, they kind of look like Popeye, so there is some morbid comedic value.
The post The Weird World of Synthol Bodybuilders first appeared on Sad and Useless Humor.