Drinking booze in the winter is a complicated task. You need to keep your hands warm, and you need to keep your beer cold, but when you hold your beer with your bare hand, your beer gets warm, and your hand gets cold. This is a conundrum that humans have faced for millennia. Well, not anymore, these ingenious beer mittens, are a pair of winter mitts that were designed with one sole purpose in mind, and that is to hold your beer in the winter without getting your hand cold.
Sure, you could attempt to hold a beer in your regular mitts that have a detached thumb, or even regular winter gloves, but that beer will undoubtedly be on the ground quite quickly after it slips right out of your over-sized mitten or glove due to not being able to wrap your fingers all the way around it.
If you feel like this is something that has been missing from your life and you want to take winter drinking to the next level, you can get these mittens on Amazon or from various Etsy stores.
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